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(949) 456-3409 | kianorr@g.ucla.edu

Research interests: Fusion | Plasma astrophysics | Plasma simulations

Last updated: February 24, 2023


University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

2020 - 2022

  • Bachelors of Science in Physics; 3.53 GPA

Irvine Valley College (IVC)

2018 - 2020

Research and Work Experience

TAE Technologies | Jr. Scientist

June 2022 - present

  • Spectroscopic measurements of plasma in TAE’s fusion device (C-2W)
  • Theoretical and experimental investigation of particle confinement times
  • Calculation of local main ion temperatures and rotational velocities through charge exchange
  • Fully calibrated and redeployed a high-resolution spectrometer diagnostic after years of inactivity
  • Taking lead for x-ray spectrometer diagnostic for the first measurements of x-rays from C-2W

UCLA Large Plasma Device (LAPD) | Student Researcher for Troy Carter

August 2021 - October 2022

  • Implemented survey spectrometer on LAPD and presented poster at APS DPP 2022
  • Modeled observed data with synthetic spectra, resulting in discovery of impurities in the LAPD
  • Created a server and client, along with a graphical user interface for the control room

Particle in Cell (PIC) Simulation

May 2022 - June 2022

  • Created a 1D electrostatic particle in cell code from scratch
  • Demonstrated two stream instability

Acoustics Simulation

Sept 2019 - Nov 2019

  • Simulated sound distribution in a concert hall
  • Presented at IVC Symposium and invited to UCI’s transfer conference


IVC | Tutor

Oct 2019 - Dec 2021

  • Tutor for math and physics; requires succinct and clear communication
  • Passionate about helping and connecting with students struggling over concepts


Best Abstract Award | HTCC

May 2020


APS Division of Plasma Physics 2022 | Poster presenter

October 2022

  • Survey Spectroscopy in the Large Plasma Device

UCI Honors Transfer Conference (HTCC)

May 2022

  • Selected but cancelled due to COVID-19

IVC Symposium | Presentation

November 2019

  • Sound Distribution in Concert Halls



  • Python, Julia, Matlab, C++, Mathematica, ROOT
  • Knowledge of numerical methods


  • English: fluent
  • Swedish: intermediate